Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Society Needs Writers

Before I discovered a very good website for writers - http://easywaytowrite.com/ - my writing life
was highlighted by a number of published poems and poetry workshops and friends' impatience at the way I am wasting away my literary gifts by not rushing to publish my poetry.

When I found out about a team of writers in Australia who care for writers, it was as if my writing self gave birth to a new direction for me to take. The panel of writers at the University of the Philippines' Writers' Workshop where I was once a fellow were right when they advised us, struggling writers, that we should always connect with writers wherever we go. Even if the writers we meet are total strangers to us. That's the only way to thrive as a writer. Those seasoned writers were right. Alone, a writer can easily give up on his/ her craft. Because the ink that blots a writer's page imitates life. And when life's layers are peeled off, and it's usually the writers who have the energy to get at the core of meanings, the writer sticks to his truths and doing so usually makes isolation his/her good company.

Writers are usually made of a not-so-ordinary stuff even if they look so ordinary.Why society still strives for higher purposes is from a big part due to the creative spirit that writers feed on. Without these group of people, who will society call to do the so-called menial errand (because society forgets to pay its writers well)of salvaging the broken pieces of a nation's aspirations?

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